(Reblog) The Right Side

Words from my older brother Navin about what his week looked like. : I suffered a stroke. The right side of my body lost all its movement. This includes not being to move my mouth, my face falling off with me trying to talk in front of my onlooking family. What should sound like ‘I … Continue reading (Reblog) The Right Side

Fiction: #4 Eureka! (Reblog)

Something I wrote all the way back in 2014

It's Mayur Remember?

He had given up. Defeated, he leaned his head back in his bathtub.

His last completed screenplay was two years old. Two years. He had dry spells before but this was his driest yet. It was not as if he didn’t have ideas, they just weren’t good enough.

The ideas were nowhere close to his previous screenplays. His three previous screenplays were successful blockbusters, the last one earning him a national award. Fame came on the heels of the award as he became highly sought after.

As he laid in the tub, he realized he had peaked in his career. He would never make anything as good as what he did two years ago. Nothing was every going to good enough.

He tried things to get his brain working again. He got drunk, a little in the beginning and then a lot. He was almost hooked onto drugs until a…

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Stop the 2015 Yulin Festival


Animals are more compassionate than most humans. How anyone could do this to these poor creatures, I will never understand. The animals in meat processing plants were born and bred specifically for that purpose, and they are treated much more humanely than these dogs are. No living creature should be tortured and forced to suffer just for any “festival.” Their lives are much more precious than the meat off their bones.

Please, please, please take a few moments and sign the petition to help save these animals: https://www.change.org/p/president-of-the-people-s-republic-of-china-stop-the-yulin-dog-meat-eating-festival

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Each one is a world

I had to reblog this

View from the donkey's saddle


We were sitting at Lincoln Park in West Seattle, with a handful of friends who had gathered for a picnic potluck, awaiting others who would be joining us shortly.

A Facebook message came through on my Smartphone from my friend Yousef Munayyer.

Hey Jen, just saw some news about a young man from the Shurrab family in khan yunis being the latest victim, Name is Tayseer. Have you heard from Amer recently?

Amer Shurrab was, as a matter of fact, sitting across the picnic table from me at that very moment.  He  had come for a few day visit from Monterrey, where he is finishing his MBA. Though we had planned the visit weeks before the shit hit the fan in Gaza, the timing of it felt oddly right. I think it felt somewhat comforting to Amer to be surrounded by people who had some notion of what he…

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For the dog I never met, yet I know him profoundly- Bailey

The Byronic Man

When I found Bailey at the pound, he was so malnourished that the Humane Society mis-identified him as a hound dog – just a depressed pile of bones and droopy skin. He could only walk about 15 feet at a time before he’d need to stop and rest for a moment.

Then, as we fed him and exercised him he grew. And grew. I went from being able to pick him up and put him in the back of the car to, well, having to just swear at him helplessly if he didn’t feel like getting in. This was 12 years ago. He’d eventually get to about 150 pounds, almost no fat. His dog bed was a twin mattress.

He was never an easy dog. Not even the rosiest of glasses could paint that image. He was protective and bad with strangers and would shed baffling amounts. More than once…

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This Story Of A Dog’s Last Day On Earth Is Beautiful And Utterly Heartbreaking

Posts like these melts your heart

Kindness Blog

I Died Today. By Duke Roberts.

I Died Today. By Duke Roberts.

And I ate a lot of hamburgers. We had a party.

And I laughed.

And I laughed.

And I thought about how much I’m going to miss it here.

And I thought about how much I’m going to miss it here.

We told jokes.

We told jokes.

We were serious.

We were serious.

My friends from next door came to see me. They’re twins. When someone offered them one of my hamburgers, one said, “No thank you. I don’t want to take any from Dukey.”

My friends from next door came to see me. They’re twins. When someone offered them one of my hamburgers, one said, “No thank you. I don’t want to take any from Dukey."

Kristen came to see me. She’s a hoot. She’s my groomer. And my buddy.

Kristen came to see me. She’s a hoot. She’s my groomer. And my buddy.

While we were waiting for the vet to come, Kristen said we were going for a walk. Then someone said, “How about a play in the water at the splash park down the street?” So off we went!

While we were waiting for the vet to come, Kristen said we were going for a walk. Then someone said, “How about a play in the water at the splash park down the street?” So off we went!

“You know I’m going to miss you, right?”


“And you too, right?”

“And you too, right?”

“I need you to help me…

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The way he keeps writing I will soon reblog all Hus poems!

Perspectives on Life, the Universe and Everything

Clock chimes eight
I am certainly late
moment is gone
Left all alone
in a large crowd
Just on my own
No one to talk
No one to phone
Long walk to nowhere
Heartache prone
Excluded, a leper
large tumour grown
Keep vultures at bay
pure grit shown
wasted beautiful moments
now buried under a stone20140703-125050 pm-46250479.jpg

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Mission accomplished: Avengers fight cancer!


Something for a rainy day


Well, this has been an adventure and a half. When we started out on Monday evening, all we wanted to do was to make it possible for my father to see The Winter Soldier and maybe to get a few superhero selfies to make him chuckle. In under 48 hours our mission was accomplished – the kind people at Marvel got in touch on Wednesday to say they’d organise for dad to watch the film at home when he gets back from hospital soon, and Mark Ruffalo was the first actor to tweet a picture for dad on Wednesday morning, with more following suit after that.* And then, suddenly everyone was interested, and… we kind of went viral.

I have to admit something right now: as a bit of perfectionist, it really bugs me that I can’t stay on Twitter all the time and thank each and every one of…

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