Lessons Given & Received

Writing challenge

( Student versus Teacher

Throughout our lives, we play the role of both student and teacher many times, and in many forms. As a child, you watch your parents, siblings, and friends for cues on how to interact, speak, and communicate. Later, you may attend school, vocational courses, or university.

As we grow older, we also find that we’ve transitioned into the role of a teacher, as well. As a parent, you teach your children about the world around them, and why things happen the way they do. As a colleague, you teach your coworkers how to become a better version of their professional selves.

Despite this, we are never no longer a student, since there’s always more to learn.)

The challengers are giving this challenge this time. I have my exams coming up in the week and here goes the schedule of learning, revising and teaching(helping) friends.

I have friend who teach better than I do. I have friend who is so tensed before the exam he can’t teach. And then there are some who look so relaxed at the times of exams that makes me want to shout “Aren’t you supposed to be tensed?”

First, teaching is wonderful profession. How do I know? Because my mom is a teacher for the past ten years now. And no matter the stress, or the encumber she has, she insists on continuing her job. And before I hardly understood why she is insisting on continuing her job, I understand now.

Along the way I started teaching too. But that doesn’t mean I want to pick this up as a profession. In India it is hardly respected, hardly rewarding and (being one) I know students don’t want any teachers in college.

These are the things about teaching as I understand:

1) Teaching comes easy to me. I like teaching (or helping out you may say). And it is also a great revision of what all I have studied.

2) There is nothing like it. When you do spend time teaching(helping) people you do get involved. So the first question that comes out of your mouth after the exam is “How was your exam?” You want them to get great marks. It is not just their hard work in it, also some of yours.

3) Once you make a group of people you study with, people who you help and receive help from it is a little hard to adjust to other groups. And honestly it is not nice finding them studying with others.

4) You want to get good grades, not just for yourself but for your entire group.

5) Teaching may backfire. Something you say wrong or something is partially understood may cause them to answer wrong. And then blame is on you. Nothing worse than spending time teaching and then being blamed for the mistake.

6) If you are anything like me then most of the time after you are done helping out, sometimes your eagerness to help is perceived as arrogance.  I have had people say that I am arrogant and know it all. Though it may be because I brag (bragging is fun when you are not taking me seriously). But if you are reading this, undermining others is not my intent.

Now studies is the only thing I can teach, I should teach. I am good in studying. But that is not the only there is, is there? There my role changes. I am a student here.

I have a lot to learn. I read a post that made me realize that maybe my behavior is not appropriate. I learnt how to act(not that good) this year and honestly there is hardly anytime when I don’t like acting now.

I still have to learn how to clear my head from distractions. I am learning how to let the past go. And maybe, just maybe I’ll be able to help others along the way.

How do I learn?
I read novels. I watch movies. Mind you none of these are superficial type. I watch around, I observe people, animals, trees and skies. I learn from any source, all I could learn. I learned from family, I learned from my dog.
But I could say that me teaching studies is nothing compared to life giving lessons. Lessons can’t be more permanent.  Nothing gives a more harder lesson.

I don’t know when I’ll write after this because my exams start this week on 13th and end next month after so.

Let’s see what others wrote about this:

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